Logan (2017) – Review

Hanging Up The Claws. Milo here. Firstly of all, this is the review that, apparently, is destined to not be written, as every time I sit down to write it, I'm instantly dragged in another direction by some other crap, so we'll see if it will ever see the light of day. Anyway, it was…Read more Logan (2017) – Review

Eddie the Eagle (2016) – Review

White Cool Runnings. That's the three word summary I'd give to anyone who asks me: "Wot's dat Eddie the Eagle about 'den? It about some sorta aminated bird or summut?" Yes, while the similarities between the two are inevitable, Eddie the Eagle still manages to be entertaining, charming and, indeed, even funny. Taron Egerton, after…Read more Eddie the Eagle (2016) – Review