RANKED: Just Cause Series – Milo

Milo here. Oo goddamn, haven't had a gaming post on here for a good while, eh? Or a RANKED? Or something that isn't an MMM? Well, seeing that I've got a bit of time to kill on this Saturday night (I'm really cool), and I've just finished the latest in this series, I figured, instead…Read more RANKED: Just Cause Series – Milo

RANKED: Nevermind – Nirvana – Milo

Milo here. I have a confession to make -- your boy is all dragged out. After seeing my fave Jinkx Monsoon for the second time last night, and watching *DRAG RACE SPOILER* Miz Cracker sashay away on S10 "YALRIGHT NOW*, I feel like a short embargo of Drag Race is necessary. In wake of this,…Read more RANKED: Nevermind – Nirvana – Milo

RANKED: Jon Favreau Movies – Milo

Milo here. Ah, my boi Jon Favreau -- "the amiable, husky-framed actor with the tight, crinkly hair" (my favourite description on IMDb. However, when he ain't starring in such big-budget cinematic masterpieces as Zookeeper and I Love You, Man, he's directing 'em! Indeed, with an eclectic mix of eight titles over his career in the chair,…Read more RANKED: Jon Favreau Movies – Milo

RANKED: Pirates of the Caribbean Films – Reuben

Yo, this be Reuben. Chaboi's back with a movie post to split up all this MMM nonse -- I apologise on behalf of Milo for the mindless stream of content he has provided, the awful, awful man he is. To be fair, my lack of articles in comparison probably makes me even more awful. I…Read more RANKED: Pirates of the Caribbean Films – Reuben

RANKED: Black Mirror (Series 3) – Milo

Milo here. Oh. It's Sunday. This was supposed to be Black Mirror week. Oh. Well. Looks like it's gonna have to be Black Mirror fortnight! Yeah! Black Mirror fortnight it is! With the transfer to Netflix, Black Mirror's third season felt more Hollywood than it's UK Channel Four predecessors, with it finally being presented to…Read more RANKED: Black Mirror (Series 3) – Milo

RANKED: Black Mirror (Series 2) – Milo

Milo here. And Black Mirror week continues! While series one burst the show onto our screens in a big way, it would be up to the second series to prove that it was worth sticking around for -- it was, let's just put it like that. With more ideas and bigger concepts, Brooker expanded upon…Read more RANKED: Black Mirror (Series 2) – Milo

RANKED: Black Mirror (Series 1) – Milo

Milo here. One of the best TV shows to come out of the UK since Sherlock, as well as one of the most urgently relevant shows of recent years, Black Mirror, spearheaded by one of our finest exports in Charlie Brooker, merges sci-fi and realism in such a believable way that you can't help but…Read more RANKED: Black Mirror (Series 1) – Milo

RANKED: Toxicity – System Of A Down – Milo

Milo here. WOAOAOAH guess who's back?? It's me. It's chaboi. Alas, however, it is only a brief stay. Halfway into them exam badbois and I've found myself with a bit of time off, so why not write a post for all you lovely folk out there? *watch true metalheads squirm* Toxicity is my favourite metal…Read more RANKED: Toxicity – System Of A Down – Milo

RANKED: Red Hot Chili Peppers Albums – Milo

Milo here. Yes, I know what you're thinking, "MILO, YOU BALLBAG, YOU'VE ALREADY DONE THIS". I have already done this, but none of the pictures show, there's no The Getaway and it's pretty poorly written, so I'm replacing it obviously. Anyway. From now, you can gather that we like The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Similarly to…Read more RANKED: Red Hot Chili Peppers Albums – Milo

RANKED: Rage Against the Machine Albums – Reuben

Yo, this be Reuben. I've never been a massive hip-hop fan, per say, and I often find rap plain annoying. But for some dang reason, Rage Against the Machine just got it right. So right, in fact, that they've got a staple place in my Top Ten Bands. Rage were awesome. The incredible rock quartet…Read more RANKED: Rage Against the Machine Albums – Reuben