The Ballad of Halo Jones: Vol. 2 (1986) – Elliot’s Review

So, after being introduced to Halo Jones and her futuristic world in book one, we move into deep space for book two as we join Halo on a long-haul cruise-ship floating across the void, and this one turns out a little more exciting than the type of cruise advertised in the National Trust magazine. We…Read more The Ballad of Halo Jones: Vol. 2 (1986) – Elliot’s Review

Eddie the Eagle (2016) – Review

White Cool Runnings. That's the three word summary I'd give to anyone who asks me: "Wot's dat Eddie the Eagle about 'den? It about some sorta aminated bird or summut?" Yes, while the similarities between the two are inevitable, Eddie the Eagle still manages to be entertaining, charming and, indeed, even funny. Taron Egerton, after…Read more Eddie the Eagle (2016) – Review

Wow! We’ve done 100 of these things?

That's right, this is in fact our 101st post, meaning that Speedy, Emmanuel, Marcus and Myself have produced 100 reviews, top tens, opinion articles and sub-reviews. Take this information as you will, celebrate if you must, scold us if need be. I, personally, am going to tear it up at the local discotheques and soirees.…Read more Wow! We’ve done 100 of these things?

Mars Attacks Judge Dredd Compilation (2014) – Review

I'd like to start off by stating that Mars Attacks is one of my favourite films. I love Judge Dredd aswell. A crossover between the two, however, seems like a strange, mismatched monstrosity of an idea, the very thought of which sickens me to the very core. But it works, deliciously. There aren't many notable characters from…Read more Mars Attacks Judge Dredd Compilation (2014) – Review