2019 Oscars: Thoughts And Predictions

Milo here. Ay and now it's time to swing 'round this tyre fire to see what the Academy reckons, with it's infinite wisdom and judgement, is the peak of cinema this past year. Wait, what? Black Panther? Really? WHAT? BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY?? Pff, fuck it, let's call it off. Sadly, that's not the case and we're apparently humouring…Read more 2019 Oscars: Thoughts And Predictions

Top Ten Movies of 2018 – Milo.

Milo here. Sure, 2018 was my big year for music consumption, but that doesn't take away from the cinematic output this year. I had really nailed a lot of the Oscar nominees this year, which, unsurprisingly had a big effect on my list, as well as getting my ass down to the cinema to see…Read more Top Ten Movies of 2018 – Milo.

Stuff And That’s Best Thangs Of The Year 2018: Volume III – Film.

AND HERE WE GO GUYS. Milo here. What a year, what a year. As we come into the final leg of Best Thangs, it's nice to end out on modern societies most excessive pasttime -- the big, big world of cinema. Of course, I kid. In fact, 2018 saw my horizons broaden wider than blockbusters…Read more Stuff And That’s Best Thangs Of The Year 2018: Volume III – Film.